The RTP-Raleigh IIBA Chapter's annual survey allows our chapter to gain broad insight from our members and associates. This year, our survey includes our partners as well as our members and member associates. We use this information in our planning for 2025.

Here is the Google survey LINK. to our August 2024 yearly chapter survey.
Happy August.
It is time to find out from YOU our members, associates and partners on
- how to improve,
- what to present,
- what to tweak this year
- and how to plan for next year 2025!
It is just a (less than) 10 minute survey. WE REALLY NEED your input.
And by the way, THANKS for being one of our awesome, supportive Members, Associates or Partners.
Again, here is our Google SURVEY LINK.
We are all looking forward to hearing from YOU!
We are all looking forward to hearing from YOU!
Details will be shared in our Newsletter and a quick summary will be shared during our September meeting's networking time.
See you then!
See you then!